For over 30 years, we have been proud to import these fine, handcrafted Four Star **** Elephant Sabatier Knives from Thiers-Issard in France to the USA.
Originally as, we offer the most complete line of Sabatier **** Elephant knives available in the USA, in Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel.
We ship to many countries including: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Thiers-Issard Sabatier****Elephant Knives were the choice of Louise Hasson's Bon Vivant School of Cooking for over 30 years. Louise showcased these quality French knives and developed the signature Bon Vivant knife, a 6 inch knife with an extra wide blade.
That knowledge and passion has been passed on to her son Adam Hasson, who continues importing these fine knives as Sabatier Knife Shop. On our blog you can see a video of Adam's visit to the Thiers-Issard factory and watch master craftspeople hone these Sabatier knives.
A certified Living Heritage Company, Thiers-Issard manufactures all their knives in France with French materials, except for certain woods that come from around the world. Their passion and devotion to their craft is evident in every handmade knife and 90% of the process is still done by hand.
To learn more about our Sabatier Four Star **** Elephant knives, visit our About Sabatier page.
Sabatier Knife Shop
PO Box 4671
Seattle, WA 98194-0167
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